
Intro To Unix For Mac

Although quite detailed, this is not intended to be a complete education on file permissions; a good UNIX book is still recommended as the best way to further increase your knowledge.. In addition, the 'execute' permission cannot (as far as I can tell) be set from the GUI.. In a nutshell, permissions control who is able to do what to any given file or directory.

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  2. intro to unix commands
  3. intro to unix fsu

If you're new to UNIX, the concept of file permissions can be somewhat daunting, to say the least.

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Read the rest of this article if you'd like an introduction to managing permissions in UNIX.. It's important that they're properly set, otherwise certain things (such as CGI's for your web server, or shell scripts) may not work as you expect them to.. Although Mac OS X presents a graphical means of managing some permissions (do Get Info on a file or folder, and set them from there), you really need to use a terminal session to gain a complete understanding of permissions. Скачать Бетани В Dragon Age 2

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